Is being held the Mini-Olympiad organized by the OPFAKOS and supported by the KCPSED


Vushtrri, 26th September ’09 – For the fifth time a row at the Kosovo Center for Public Safety, Education and Development is being held the Mini-Olympiad of the person with limited abilities organized by the OPFAKOS in which are taking place around 450 persons, joined by their families and the organizers of this Mini-Olympiad.

In the official opening of this Mini-Olympiad where present the official of the American Embassy, ICITAP, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport and the KCPSED Officials. On behalf of OPFAKOS the chairman of this organization Mr. Gani Mehmeti acknowledged those present. During his speech, he emphasized that is very important that these persons should be supported by the institutions and that the KCPSED is a very good example that should be followed. By thanking in continuance the KCPSED staff who voluntarily have expressed their willingness to work during these two days as long as this Mini-Olympiad will last, Mr. Mehmeti expressed his wish that this cooperation should continue also in the future.

Management of the Center also welcomed to those present by ensuring them, that they will have a fully support of the Center. Lieutenant-Colonel Mr. Driton Zabergja also welcomed to those present, he emphasized that the Mini-Olympiad besides its competitive character, it contributes in establishing and creating a new friendships, by taking into consideration that this is also an amusement for all the participants. By inviting them to feel free as in their own homes, Lieutenant-Colonel Mr. Driton Zabergja wished to all the participants’ lots of successes.

Meanwhile on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport Mr, Agron Gashi official from the Department of Sport by this Ministry, greeted the participants.     

After the official opening, the participants continued their competitions in various sport activities such as; wheelchair run, basketball, handball, goal-ball, picador, targeting etc. mini-Olympiad will extend until tomorrow where the medals and gratitude’s will be handed over to the best competitors. KCPSED also this time is a general sponsor of the Mini-Olympiad, while the participants where supported with the transport, accommodation and food.