Judo vice champion, instructor at the Center for Public Safety, Education and Development


Vushtrri, June 20, 2011 - European vice champion in judo Mr. Anton Cena instructor at the Center for Public Safety, Education and Development is now as well world vice champion. Anton Cena a sergeant at Kosovo Police is also an instructor at the Center for Public Safety, Education and Development (KCPSED), after many victories in Judo he is announced world vice champion in judo championship held in Frankfurt, Germany on 17 June 2011

In this Championship participated judo masters from different countries of the world as Japan, Brazil, America, Mongolia, Norway, etc..
In this competition Anton Cena defeated German representative Notzel Werner, Brazilian Ivan Penne Alfredo Norwegian Chinchila and reached to the final.
Cena with his professional and excellent presentation fought till the end but was defeated by Russian Nikolai Evgerov.  Cena says that he will not stop so he hopes that with his skills and professionalism that he possesses one day he will become world champion. Cena specified highly the participation in this sporting event by thanking the Kosovo Police and the Center for Public Safety, Education Development that enabled the participation in this Championship