Mr. Smakiqi hosted a delegation from Finland


Vushtrri, 24 April 2013 - The Kosovo Academy for Public Safety was visited by a delegation from Ministry of Internal and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. The delegation was led by Marjo Anttoora, Secretary of Finland State.
The purpose of this meeting was to inform more closely with the mission, activities and of the Twinning Project funded by the European Commission, won by Finland and Estonia concerning the improvement of higher education in the Academy. Director Smakiqi, initially informed the delegation about the important tasks and processes in which the Academy is going through. In  particular he spoke about the Twinning Project, very important project for the Academy, which aims to increase and improve the quality of education for all members of the Public Safety in the country.
He thanked the Finland and Estonia States that the experts in the education field are providing professional contribution in realization of this project.
While Secretary of Finland State, Marjo Anttoora, emphasized that the increase of education for the members of Public Safety plays an important role in the overall safety not only for the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo but also wider. She encouraged the Academy for the finished work till now and also expressed the willingness of cooperation in the future.